Vickie Gould – Founder of Life-Changing Energy. A Fast Growing E-Commerce and Education Platform for Healers

How did you start your career in the business of being a healer?
In 2009, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease. Doctors told me that there was no cure and no protocol so I went searching for answers. In doing so, I discovered frequency healing, became a Master Herbalist and Reiki Master. I did this for my own healing but felt called to share what I had learned with others.
When did you know that you could build a successful career doing what you are passionate about?
Only very recently did I realize that I could create the lifestyle that I desired in this niche. When I decided to switch from book and marketing coaching to energy healing, I told my husband to prepare for a huge pay cut. At the time, I didn’t know how popular my certification courses would become. It’s been an amazingly rewarding journey of faith.
What would you say has been the highlight of your career?
All the feedback about the lives being changed has been the highlight of my career.
I’ve been on stages, spoken on podcasts, written best selling books and now selling certification courses and healing tools, but the comments about how I’ve given people hope, helped their businesses, or created confidence and a new life for them has been the most rewarding part of my days.
What were some of the challenges you had to overcome building a global brand?
When we decided to expand wider than the USA, I wasn’t sure how it would be received. The USD exchange rate, duties charged to the customers, and shipping overseas has been a learning curve. Now we are also considering translating the courses to Spanish since we have been doing well there.
What would you say has been the key to your success in the online world and healing space?
Belief. Stubbornness. Commitment. I don’t look at new products or courses as a, “Will it be successful?” I approach things as learning what to do to make it work. I definitely don’t give up easily. I rarely say anything has failed because everything is data that I can use to get better the next time.
The other thing that has really helped is having an engaged community of healers. I have a very active Facebook group which I’m told is uncommon and, even more uncommon, to have a teacher of certification courses provide ongoing support past certification.
What advice would you give to other women who have creative talents and passion yet are afraid to step out and build a career around it?
One of the issues in being a creative is that we love to create new ideas. We get very excited about that new thing and end up with shiny object syndrome. Plan things out on your calendar so you can save all your wonderful ideas and then work on implementation.
Consistency is key – just close your eyes and do it.
Fear is overcome by doing rather than waiting for the “someday” you think you won’t be afraid. That day will never come without just doing it.
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