We are currently in the throes of a pandemic, something many of us had never even heard of until a few months ago.
A tiny microscopic organism has tried to bring the world to its knees, with several major cities facing unspeakable tragedies. Every day we hear of new deaths or another symptom related to Covid-19.
I am here to bring you a different perspective; another way of looking at this. Many of us have been told to stay home or shelter in place, forcing ourselves into a new way of living and being.
How about we look at the Coronavirus pandemic in a new way?
If you look up the meaning of ‘corona” in a dictionary, you will find this : “a circle of light that surrounds a luminous body, usually the moon or the sun.”
I believe that this corona has come to shed light into our lives, with the hope that we will look hard at our lives and see what needs to change.
But in order to be the light, we have to ensure that the container which holds the light is sound.
And that container is your body.
This health crisis has shown us how important our health is.
As a Family Physician specializing in Functional and Integrative Medicine, I have seen , far too often, the detrimental effects of not taking care of your health; with the increase in chronic disease and cancer in younger and younger patients.
And I’ve also seen the benefits of prioritizing your health; seeing patients thrive, look better, lose weight and feel a level of wellness they haven’t felt in years.
Now, more than ever, it is critical that we do everything we can to stay well. We have to ensure that our “ containers of light ” are functioning at the highest levels we can manage.
We have to focus on taking ownership of our health. It is my belief that the only way to optimize wellness is to integrate the health of our body, mind and spirit.
By doing this, you ensure that your cells function optimally and you are less likely to get ill.
In my clinic at Satya Integrative Medical Services we have integrated three simple steps into my signature program.
These Three Pathways to Joy have been designed to help you create the life and career that you truly desire from the inside out.
This revolutionary way of applying these 3 steps in your life is designed to help you achieve great health, look and feel amazing and have the confidence and energy to go after your dreams.
These three pathways are:
• Body Joy
• Mind Joy
• Soul Joy
Our aim is to help you nourish your body with clean unprocessed food, adequate water and consistent exercise.
The basics of our Clean Eating Program is simple.
Reduce or eliminate the consumption of the following foods:
• Processed foods, candy, pastries, chips and other similar snacks.
• Sugar – found in soft drinks, juices, cakes, pastries and in many other foods.
• Wheat – found in breads, pastries, pasta, and other foods
• Dairy – we encourage avoiding or reducing the amount of dairy in your diet, and allow good quality cheese, and grass-fed butter and ghee
• Artificial sweeteners- Sucralose, Aspartame, Saccharin, Acesulfame. We allow use of small amounts of natural sweeteners such as honey, stevia, and maple syrup.
And replace those with
• Fresh vegetables – organic if possible, but limit starchy vegetables such as potatoes, yams, and yucca.
• Fresh fruit – organic if possible, no more than 3 servings a day, as excess amounts of fruit are a source of added sugar for the body.
• Gluten free grains such as quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat.
• Protein- grass-fed or pasture-raised beef, chicken, cold-water fish.
• Healthy fats – avocados, olive and coconut oils.
• Pure, filtered water – drink half your body weight in ounces (80 oz. water for a 160 lb. person).
We encourage you to nourish your mind by actively managing your stress and making sleep a priority.
During deep restorative sleep, our bodies undergo a form of “housekeeping”, where our cells and tissues are repaired and restored. Good quality sleep is needed for both physical and mental healing.
Make sleep a priority by maintaining a regular sleep routine. Creating a bedtime ritual sends a signal to your body that it is time for sleep.
Go to bed at the same time every night. Keep your room cool and dark .
Shut your televisions and tablets off at least 2 hours before bed – this will reduce the mental stimulation associated with the light emitted from these.
And the final pathway is nurturing your Soul Joy by focusing on the connections in your life. Those with your family and loved ones, the people who matter to you, and also by connecting with something greater than yourself.
We also encourage connecting to yourself, by reassessing what matters to you and knowing who and what you value.
We encourage our patients to schedule quiet time into their day, to connect in any way that feels right to them. They are encouraged to try to schedule quiet time in the mornings, before anyone in their household is awake. This time that may be spent journaling, meditating or praying, or any combination of these. This time is theirs to design it in a way that suits their unique needs and desires.
These are indeed unprecedented times, and the simple tools I’ve shared above will help you look and feel better. They will go a long way in helping you survive this crisis.
By focusing on nourishing your body, mind and spirit you will have the tools needed to survive this pandemic and even thrive well beyond.
Health and wellness has become our new focus, and the new currency, which will allow us to successfully navigate these times. It is my hope that you commit to practicing these simple steps to Joy, and hopefully feel a level of wellness you have not felt in a long time. This is an opportune time to ensure your “container ” is optimized and prepared to step boldly into the brave new world that beckons.
If you’d like to find out more about me or the work I do, please head over to my website:
If you’re based in St. Lucia, please call us at Satya Integrative Medical Services: Tel: 452-8621
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