The Power of The Present To Get Unstuck and Move Now

I’ve been so focused on the future and paralyzed in fear of the past results that this has been keeping me stuck. I didn’t see it before, but I always seem to be carrying that overwhelming feeling of what if the same thing happens again.
What if I invest my time, my energy, and my money and don’t get the desired result. What if I am disappointed? Can I recover from it? Will I? Are front and center on my mind. I didn’t realise my error before. That I was not living in this present moment. I was operating in the past and the future.
The past kept telling me “this will not work for you.” That you will come up short again, like all the other times you tried and failed. The future kept telling me that I will meet my past once again and so… I stay stuck. Paralyzed by my past and future.
Yet in this present moment I have a vision. A big dream. I truly desire it. I can feel the impact of it. But I am not free in this moment because I am not even in this moment. How can I create right here, right now when I am everywhere else but in the present, now. While my present dream speaks to my soul, my past and future have a strong hold.
The only way I can win… No, not win, but BE and conquer this battle for truth is to overcome the fear and anxiety that keeps me in analysis paralysis. To finally be free is to somehow bring myself into full alignment with this present moment.
Now I see that the only way to truly be free and is to stay focused on today. This very moment.
Yet who am I without my past and who am I without my dreams of the future and what is true? How can I make this very moment count? A Course in Miracles says “that truth lies only in the present. Look lovingly on the present for it hold the things that are forever.”
So right now what is true? NOW RIGHT NOW.
The gentle breeze that strokes my silk nightdress. The pale blue ocean that lies in the near distance reflecting this moment’s overcast sky. The sound of the birds chirping all around me. My niece Sarah who is seated with me journaling, turning pages. The branches swaying.
Right now what is true is that there is love all around me. What is true is that I am here, right now. I am living instead of dreaming. I am connecting. I am feeling and lovingly seeing everything around me. In this moment I am my dreams. In this moment I like you am a woman passionate and driven.
I am like the stallion built to perform in this very moment. I am like the unicorn, a dreamer, a myth, a seeker of the world unknown, as unique and enchanting as this very moment.
Yet in this moment, I am NOW, I am ONE. One with you, with God, the Universe. In this present moment, everything I hope to be IS. Because everything I am is now.
And right now, I am no longer seeking success, I am being success. I am success.
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