As I watched my favorite Youtube channel, I noticed something. Only one female founder was featured in the long list on videos on the success stories of some of the mega successful founders featured.
It made me wonder, why is it that more men find themselves leading sweet spot markets and dominating.
One might believe that the executive in the new Barbie movie who told Ken (not a direct quote) “We’re still running the show. We’re just quieter about it.”
I started to see the more I looked that actually it is deeper than that. Here are a few stats on where women are at in the business founding game:
Funding Disparity: 61% of female founders are self-funding. Women are less likely to ask investors for money. I also realized most women don’t know where to start or how to find these investors. But you’re in luck, we have been building up some resources and pathways to open up these introductions in Aphrodite Code.
Along with my collaborators and my own experience helping entrepreneurs prepare their pitch deck to present to Daymond John from Shark Tank, we’ve got you.
Revenue Disparity: Only 12% of female-led businesses bring in more than $100K per year and this number is declining every year.Congratulations if you have surpassed the $100K mark. You are in the top 12% (p.s. 12 percenters can join our Akoya level in Aphrodite Code). Earning $1M? You’re in the top 1.7% (you’re definitely Cortez status. Apply here).
And get this, under-earners are working the hardest! Having coached 100s of entrepreneurs over the years, the biggest issue blocking growth are incorrect business models, incorrect positioning, or a tarpit idea. I’ll share more on that at our Business Strategy Forum on 28th September in Aphrodite Code.
Confidence and Visibility: Women founders grapple with the confidence gap, sometimes impacting their ability to assertively pitch ideas and assert their authority in male-dominated industries. If you had a billionaire investor sitting in front of you right now, how confident would you be to pitch your current business idea in a way that would come across as financially viable for her/him/they? Don’t miss our Summer Confidence Experience and the Business Strategy Forum in September. I plan to get you Pitch Perfect. Apply here if you are not a member yet.
The good news:
Economic Powerhouses: Female-founded companies generate collectively $1.8 trillion dollars in the United States alone. So in case, you are wondering if you could be earning more? Absolutely. There is more where that came from. Stay close, we’re committed to working as a collective in Aphrodite Code to seize these opportunities.
Collaboration and Mentorship: Women entrepreneurs exhibit a strong sense of community, actively engaging in mentorship and networking, enhancing their chances of success. Well-established networks and connections can provide men founders with access to mentorship, partnerships, and opportunities. This advantage underscores the importance of fostering similar networks for women entrepreneurs to thrive.
Too many women are playing solitaire in business when we are so much more powerful as a collective.
We are working on introducing our new Board of Advisors in Aphrodite Code with you soon. In the meantime, secure your seat at this global table. Apply here.
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